Judgement against my ex

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I currently have a Judgment about my ex, she has not attempted to make a payment in the past 3 years, since the Judgment was first established. She appealed and lost. I understand she is involved in a lawsuit and will be getting about $5,000 (not even close to what she owes me). How can I collect? I know the name of the attorneys who will be sending her the check. I would like to do it without hiring an attorney and doing the paperwork myself, can anyone put me in the right direction? Thank you.
You simply Google "judgment enforcement and levying YOUR STATE".
I hope you've preserved your judgment. It also depends on why she's getting the payout.
Some proceeds are untouchable. I suggest you speak to a couple local attorneys, ask questions, seek clarification for YOUR state.
If she's in another state, it gets more complicated. The initial consultations are often free of charge.
The easy part is usually getting the judgment against someone & the hard part is trying to collect. I agree with army judge that you need to talk to an attorney in this case.
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