Job issues


New Member
I have a suspicion that my landlord may have gps'd my phone and is using software to listen in on conversation, I also have a strong suspicion that she may have contacted my job and got me laid off for medical mental disability which I am trying to disprove by a second opinion and return to work, I have been off work since DEC 3 of 2014 when I returned back from vacation. I'd like to know what to do legally to resolve the situation, I rent a room in a home, are the owners allowed to view what I look at online without notice or go into my room without notice? Or give out personal information to my co-workers that creates a hostile work environment?
If you have been off work since December of 2014, your employers do not need any assistance from your landlord to let you go. You've had twice as much time off as the law requires. So what makes you think your landlord had anything to do with it?
How could your landlord install anything on your phone? Why would they even want to listen to your calls? If something is on your phone and you can not uninstall it, take it to the store where you bought it or call tech support.

It is possible your lease does give your landlord permission to enter your room; after all, it is in their house.

I can tell you that a random call on an employee would not hold any real weight. Why have you been out since December? Surely if totally mentally sound you would not just be getting around to a second opinion now. How could giving information to your coworkers create a hostile environment? There are no laws which would prevent your landlord from talking to your coworkers.