

What happens to your car, stuff you own if you don't have family to keep it for you does state/county take it? Guessing you lose your housing and evicted too?
What happens to your car, stuff you own if you don't have family to keep it for you does state/county take it?

Given the subject header of your post, I assume you intended to start this question with, "If you go to jail, what happens...." Correct? If so, rather obviously, the answer depends on the facts and circumstances of the person's incarceration.

Guessing you lose your housing and evicted too?

Depends on the person's housing situation and how long he/she is in jail.
What happens to your car, stuff you own if you don't have family to keep it for you does state/county take it?

Your personal property will disappear with the first person that gets into your apartment. Your car will eventually be towed and sold at auction to pay the storage fees.

Guessing you lose your housing and evicted too?


If you want to avoid all that, don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

"Time," in this context, meaning any and all of the unpleasant consequences of committing crimes.
Given the subject header of your post, I assume you intended to start this question with, "If you go to jail, what happens...." Correct? If so, rather obviously, the answer depends on the facts and circumstances of the person's incarceration.

Depends on the person's housing situation and how long he/she is in jail.

Correct. No jail time yet Lol
The best way to avoid wrongful convictions, other than not committing crimes, is to watch this video and learn to keep your mouth shut and lawyer up when approached by law enforcement.

On the chance that you are going to have a variety of "what if" questions, we would appreciate it if you would keep them ALL to this thread for our convenience and we will respond to all of your questions.

To that end I am moving the following question from the other thread that you started:

If I gave consent to look into my email would I be able to say I was tricked into consent?

Depends on the circumstances.

If you are asked to allow somebody to look into your email and you say yes that's not a trick.

If you are handed a warrant to search your email, that's not a trick.

If you receive an email that a hot woman wants to meet you and you click yes and your email gets hacked, that's a trick.


Okay. Well hopefully this want become something. Yes I did watch a lot of videos and that one

I like one attorney out of California , he told his YouTube guests they need to shut up and say no consent etc ;)

Kind of late now. But I'm prepared the next time.
I feel bad for my friend. She is so gullable to scammers. She gave $800 for a lease and keys to some guy she said sounded European. Europeans to her are simply white folks lol

I told her to report it to fraud.org. I told her