Is this Malpractice?


New Member
My partner and I wanted to adopt a baby from a friend in precarious situation. We went through Arag, and later met with the attorney to discuss the process and get the ball rolling. The lawyer told us it would be best to start off as legal guardians and adopt a year later.

So we did all the paper work , signed a contract and the lawyer told us as soon as the birth mother gives birth give her a call she will bring the paper work and file it immediately. This did not happen.

The day of the birth we called the lawyer constantly and she wouldn't pick up and was no where to be found, we called the office building and no luck and even went there. We called Arag explained the situation and they couldn't get in touch with her either. So they tried to find us another lawyer.

Unfortunately during this time the social worker talked to the birth mother and indicated that it was obvious we didn't have an attorney and her best option was to give the baby to child protective services. And thats what she did.

We are obviously heart broken and didn't hear back from the original attorney till 4 days later. The new appointed attorney tried to contact the birth mother but she refused to talk to him because the CPS advocate told her not to.

Needless to say we lost the baby due to the negligence of the original lawyer and would like to take action.
Nope. That the attorney could not be reached does not mean the attorney did anything wrong.
Unless you had contracted guarantees you don't have anything to pursue here.
Babies are human beings.
Babies can't be bartered away, sold, or disposed of due to inconvenience.

That baby had both a father and a mother.

Babies aren't in the league with bunnies, kittens, or puppies.

You can't BUY a baby.

You may not realize it today, but you and the baby are better off because a potentially unscrupulous, idiotic attorney ghosted on you.

Let it go...

You have no cause of action against anyone.