Is this Fruad??

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New Member
My mother-in-law recently passed away from cancer. Friends of hers contacted 3 weeks prior (when she went into hospice care) and said they were holding a benefit (beef&beer with raffles) to help offset the final bills. Due to her increasing poor health, we were unable to attend, but we were told it was a success and they raised a few thousand dollars. When I contacted the woman who was in charge a few days later, she told me the money was put in escrow until needed. After my MIL passed 2 weeks ago, we contacted her and told her the details and asked her to release the funds so we could pay the bills. She told us that she wanted to send it directly to the funeral home. We had the funeral home make repeated attempts to contact her to no avail. Now, the bills are in and we need these funds to help offset the cost. I feel we are getting a big run-around and I need to knwo if I have any legal rights here.

The party was advertised and tickets were sold under the premise of the funds going to benefit my MIL expenses. The party was held in a local tavern. Isn't this fraud if the money was raised under that premise and not used for it?
t's been 6 weeks now since the passing of my mother in-law and here is what we just found out today. The people who raised the money, citing personal reasons, decided to donate the money to charity and not to give any money to the expenses, leaving us in a little bind. Even through repeated attempts to keep this professinal, we do not seem to get along with these people and this was their way of sticking it to us. They will not give us any proof or receipt of what the money was used for, even to verify their story.

Is there any legal action to take? Is this fraud? As stated in the previous post, the money was raised under the premise of benifiting her expenses. After which, the money was used for something entirely different.


Anxiosly waiting,
thank you
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