Is This A Legal Business?

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: MARYLAND, USA


My boyfriend is looking to start up a business in the state of Maryland where he will basically hide or store a car for any person who is facing vehicle repossession. My question-- Is this legal? Is there any liability to him from the financier of the vehicle or does he face any charges by providing this service.

It sounds like trouble to me but he thinks it could be a money making venture to charge storage fees until the person can afford car payments. :(
No, if a car is not paid for and hidden-- This is called Theft-- Long story short-- companies will file a repvlin order on the owner of the car and he will sit in jail until he can produce the car-- once word goes around that the car is stored @ your boyfriends lot-- he will be in a world of hurt sooner or later because he knowingly hid cars that were not paid for It would be a good lawsuit --- This would not be a good idea--
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