Is this a form of extortion?

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New Member
Can a Catholic School where my children attend here in Euclid Ohio, where their tuition is paid in cash by the state of Ohio via scholerships, force me to do fund raising for them or pay the cash equvilant. All extra fee's have been paid such as technology and lunch room monitoring, and we are not parishoners.Can they do this, or is this a form of extotion? Where do I stand legaly before I confront?
The letter states I have a choice to either sell $175 worth of raffle tickets or opt out and give them the cash.Fund raising generally goes to the school for supplies or things they feel they need. I really do not know where it directly goes. The point I am interested in is knowing if they can force parents legally to do this.My kids are to young to go door to door selling tickets.I am a single mom here who sometimes gets child support, sometimes not. I do work, at the same job almost 20 years. To me that is not a ton of money to give up,it will put a little hurting on me, especially with holidays coming, but that is not the point. I just don't see how the catholic church/school can force you to raise extra funds for their needs. Force being the key word here.
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