Is Sales Commission still owed?

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New Member
I had a outside sales rep working for my company that was hired on Jan 30th of this year. In her employeement agreement it states that she will have a salary of $450.00 per week with a $50.00 gas allowance. According to the contract she has a 45 day grace period to start meeting her monthly sales quotas. She also was paid commission on the jobs that were sold - half when the deposit is collected from the customer and the other half when the final payment was collected. The commission was designed this way because she would have to see the customers job from start to finish.

I continued to pay her full salary up until she resigned on July 22nd, (the week before I told her I would have to cut her salary in half), because she had never (or gotten close) to her sales quotas. She had a couple of jobs that were signed off and deposits collected. I paid her half of those commission-when the deposits were collected. Now she is coming to me wanting the other half of the commisson for these jobs. I have since taken over these customer to see their job through to completion. I really don't feel like I owe her since she wasn't here to see the job to completion and plus I was generous enough to pay out her full salary for an addtional 4 months - even though I wasn't obligated too. Any advice would be appreicated.
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