Is it illegal if someone is in my personal email?

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New Member
Here is my problem. I am about to get divorced. I had already left home and had made plans to start the divorce proceedings slowly, being that I have 2 young children that mean the world to me. I had made arrangements with my wife to split custody and we have been doing this for 2 months. Here in lies the problem. She told one of my employees at work that she needed to get into my place of business "to pick something up for me" (I had no idea she was at my office). So she unlocked the front door, turned off the alarm and proceeded to find my companys email passwords. She then went into my email, found some things and forwarded them to herself. So my question is this, Do I have any legal recourse against her for getting into my email? I was wondering if I had a leg to stand on. I know this story is quite long but if somebody could give me some advice and maybe point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
It is an offense under the Computer Misuse Act 1991

Unlawfully altering data and accessing data.

Check it and read it to see if it pertains to your situation.
I do not want to seem ignorant but is this a UK law or a USA law or does it matter? I saw where this sight ends with a .UK. Please advise and thank you for your help so far.
One last question about the personal email

What type of attorney do I contact if I want to proceed? Is it criminal? Civil?

Thanks again in advance?
1) The Act is British, not American law.

2) Why not report her conduct to your employer? The account and email is their property and they can take appropriate action that would probably be satsifying.
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