Is Auto Loan Binded once signed by all parties?

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New Member
I financed a car from car pros kia, was approved by a bank, and signed all the necessary documentation with the dealership. I also have the documentation and signatures that show both the dealership and financial institution signed and approved the loan which I'd assume makes this a legal binding document. Just over a week ago the dealership called to say that there were issues with the loan because my license wasn't current. I told them I needed 2 weeks to pay off the necessary funds to re-instate my license which I did yesterday. it was mailed so still waiting the approval from the court,1-3 day process. The dealer had an investigator contact me today and said they want the car back and have reported it stolen because the approved loan was disapproved weeks later based on my license. I had the car for 2 weeks before they contacted me. Can they withraw loans after approving the loan 2 weeks prior? License will be back by Friday, do I face legal issues?
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I financed a car from car pros kia, was approved by a bank, and signed all the necessary documentation with the dealership. I also have the documentation and signatures that show both the dealership and financial institution signed and approved the loan which I'd assume makes this a legal binding document. Just over a week ago the dealership called to say that there were issues with the loan because my license wasn't current. I told them I needed 2 weeks to pay off the necessary funds to re-instate my license which I did yesterday. it was mailed so still waiting the approval from the court,1-3 day process. The dealer had an investigator contact me today and said they want the car back and have reported it stolen because the approved loan was disapproved weeks later based on my license. I had the car for 2 weeks before they contacted me. Can they withraw loans after approving the loan 2 weeks prior? License will be back by Friday, do I face legal issues?

You could face legal issues.

The lender may try to prosecute for loan fraud.

Returning the car MIGHT make this go away.

I suggest you consult with a Washington attorney to find out EXACTLY what your rights are in Washington State.
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