Intellectual property

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New Member
Do Music Recordings belonging to a 2 musicians who recorded them many years ago fall under the ownership of Intellectul Property's.
The recordings where recorded with all musicians being told they where being recorded before the concert or gig, the sidemen where paid in full for there performance on each gig and they never asked for a contract before the engagment or after.
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Do Music Recordings belonging to a 2 musicians who recorded them many years ago fall under the ownership of Intellectul Property's. The recordings where recorded with all musicians being told they where being recorded before the concert or gig, the sidemen where paid in full for there performance on each gig and they never asked for a contract before the engagment or after.
This is a good question. Much of this will depend up on the specific facts and circumstances of the events. Arguably, you were consenting to the rights to the recording, which is why you were being paid. Without any written agreements, there are arguments that might be made as to ownership. The "intellectual property" is the recording and the question now is who owns rights to that recording. Unless there is real money to be made, a lawsuit would be impractical. If you're looking for credit, that might be a way to go. I don't know enough of the facts to tell you except to generally talk about the rights. Typically a work for hire requires a signed writing.
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