Insurance refusing to pay for damages

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New Member
I have a pickup that I paid registration fees on but the registration expired before I had smog test done. The pickup was hit while parked. The insurance company demanded that registration be complete before they pay me. I can't complete registration as the vehicle is a complete and total loss. Can they refuse to pay on these grounds?
If your registration was expired and the vehicle was parked on the street I suppose they could argue that you were illegally parked.
Is this your insurance company or the other person's insurance?
In my state, you can't get insurance until you can prove your car is registered, and if your registration expires so does your insurance. They don't even give us separate insurance cards; the insurance information is right on your registration. In my state, you'd be dead in the water - the insurance wouldn't owe you a penny if your registration wasn't in effect. Don't know what the rules are in your state but it's by no means impossible that by not completing your registration you've handed them a reason to deny your claim on a silver platter.
We always leave fire/theft on our convertible when it goes away to storage for the winter. The plates expire in late October. We pull it out and renew them in May.
If the ins. co. will not pay, you can always run it by a lawyer in your state & see what the lawyer says about an accident with registration expired.
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