In need of neutral opinion & advice

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New Member
Hello all,

I apologize in advance for the length of this post and they hurried manner which it is written.

I am currently employed by a maritime company (male dominated) that provides barge and towing vessels throughout the U.S. inland waterway systems which I had, up until a month ago, thoroughly loved. For the past 1 1/2 years I have been working on the Accounting side of the company and had frequent dealings with one particular department on the Operational side of the company. Since my time there I had noticed many issues with that department's organization, record keeping and general lack of accountability. This department is in charge of keeping our vessels crewed and spends a significant portion of the company's budget each month. I had approached the manager with little suggestions and ideas every now and again (in a non-accusatory way) that would not only benefit the Accounting portion of his department (thus making my job easier) but the Operational side as well (which would have benefited him and his staff). He would always smile and answer my suggestions with little digs like "not everyone can be polly perfect like you" or "do you arrange all of your soup cans in your pantry by name too" etc, etc, to which I would just smile and walk away. Well since I never had to have day to day extended interactions with him all was good. Fast forward to this past August. By this time we had gone through two additional personnel in that department and the manager had been demoted. There was a job which needed to be filled and so, thinking I could apply my abilities and skills and make a positive difference and already knowing what the job entailed, approached the Vice Pres. and volunteered to transfer into that department. Now everyone in the company was aware that the demoted manager was being phased out within a short time and that fact was confirmed to me by the Vice Pres. as well as the HR manager prior to me considering the move so I felt comfortable that I could handle this person until he was phased out. I have to mention besides that fact that my current supervisors and CFO, while sorry to see me make the move, all recommended me highly, and my 3 past Employee Evaluations were outstanding in every aspect. I am the spouse of an active duty military member and we have one child which I have always been upfront about when considered for any job due to the demands this life can sometimes place upon us (i.e. my role requiring me to at times be Mom as well as Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, etc and not having the luxury of a support system some civilian families). This new job would require being on call to which I didn't have a problem with however I did previously discuss, before accepting the job, the fact that my in office work hours would have to remain the same as I could not come in any earlier or stay any later to which they agreed would not be a problem. The last thing to be discussed was salary, which is important, but not huge deciding factor on whether to take the job or not. I truly wanted the job to make a difference and to stop that department from being the constant "weak link" as named by the other departments. First they wanted me to make a lateral move which I felt was a bit odd, as the two other men in the department were brought in at a higher pay. So I came back and said that I would love to take the job but could not be expected to take on more responsibility and duty for the same pay. The VP proceed to tell me that they were offered to give me 2K more all along then in 6 months another 5K, if my evaluation was good. I knew for a fact that the men already in that department were brought in for more than that but I still wanted to make the move and agreed to do so.

Within three weeks of me accepting new (unadvertised) position, a replacement was hired in the Accounting Department. My first week of being an "exempt employee" I worked half in Accounting continuing to train my replacement (a current employee not new hire) and half in the Operational dept. That is where the 360 began. M first two days I was placed with the demoted manager (which I had already made know issues occurred between us) and shown nothing, After asking my supervisor if I could sit with other two guys in department and getting his approval, on the third day I sat with another of the guys and the demoted manager asked me what I was doing to which I replied I was trying to observe how he conducts his daily routine today and tomorrow I would sit with guy #3 so I could absorb them all and develop my own routine. He said well you need to get back over here and sit with me because that is what you were told to do which I did. That evening I went to my direct supervisor and told him what was going on to which he promised he would address the next day. He didn't and things continued on and I was beginning to get more and more frustrated. When I would ask for training/reference manuals/ materials would be told that the nature of the department did not allow that since it was ever changing (crew travel). When I would ask questions typical responses were "it will just come to you" or "eventually you will just know". The demoted manager would say demeaning things like "It sure is pink in here" to which my supervisor chimed in by saying "yeah don't you know we like it smelling like ass and feet in here" when I moved my belongings over. The demoted manager also commented on my time more than once and stated that he hoped I wasn't a clock watcher because if I was I definitely would not make it in this dept. He also responded to one of my questions that I asked him to re-explain by saying "you know when my grade school daughter doesn't want to do her work she will tell me the same thing you did, that she just doesn't get it or she doesn't understand"

On that Friday I again went and complained to my direct supervisor about the lack of training and information being given to me and he told me "well you just can't expect to know everything overnight like you did over there (meaning Accounting)". All along I had been reporting this to my HR manager who said just to give it time and that if things did not improve to let him know. On that Friday I was called into an unscheduled meeting with the company President, the VP and my Supervisor I was asked "What is my problem with that department" I reiterated a condensed version of the same issues as I hade previously stated to both my Supervisor as well as HR and stated I felt they STILL were not being addressed. VP said he knew nothing about any of that and that I was supposed to come to my Supervisor with any issues not run to HR. I told him I did go to Super. but obviously it didn't go any farther than that. Pres. did comment on demoted manager telling me about my time and said that what does he care he is always out of here on time and it was none of his business anyway. VP and Super. both promised to let me sit with guy # 2 (who knew his job very well), which is what I had been asking to do all along (either that or with guy #3). This was scheduled to happen the following Monday. Well that never occurred and it makes me feel even more strongly that the lack of concern contributed to the out of control situation. It was the same routine that Monday where I received no help and so I did the best I could with what I had been able to pull together to that point and can proudly say I worked through the entire crew change of those vessels (consisting of 9 personnel switches) and was done by lunch time. Later that afternoon at 3:55 PM, one of the vessel called in to let me know they had been turned around which meant all prior travel arrangements had to be cancelled and rebooked. This caused me to have to cancel and rearrange the ground transportation with another of assigned vessels as well. With no guidance I did what needed to be done rebooked all the travel, coordinated all the ground transportation and made all the necessary calls and e-mails. I left work at 5:53 that afternoon. Super and demoted manager were both present in the dept and aware of what was going on. Super knew I was upset because I was unable to leave on time to take my child to his football game and unable to run the two errands that needed to be done that afternoon for my spouse. I was never given the option of doing it remotely as is afforded others in the department which I found out after the fact when I came in on the 3rd but was just told it needed to be taken care of now before leaving. My Super. who was present as the situation unfolded could have stepped in but he did nothing except tell me to take a bottle of Advil when I got home. This was in response to me expressing to him and Bryan both that I felt a migraine coming on due to the situation and that day. It is a known fact that I suffer from chronic migraines and have to administer injections to myself.

Continued in next post

Continued from Previious Post

In vocalizing the above concerns I now feel that I have been purposely isolated for doing so. The call from HR at 9:50 Tuesday night instructing me to report to the Assistant to Owner's office and help her out by sitting in an isolated area doing her filing and errands until further notice is proof of such. I also feel Management, specifically VP, has negatively stereotyped me to which our HR manager was witness to in a meeting that took place between me, VP & HR on the morning of October 3, 2007, when I returned to work after being out with migraine day before. VP openly and directly stated he felt I was a "whiny crybaby" and never expected me to be that way. When I brought up the issue of demoted manager and his demeaning me still, VP acknowledged the fact that he knew demoted manager had "problems working with others in close proximity to him" and that I needed to tell him myself to leave me alone (which I already did) or tune him out. VP also stated that I would encounter difficult people in the corporate world and that I needed to just learn to be quiet and get along with demoted manager or else one of us would be gone and it wouldn't be him. He also stated that he felt I had problems in balancing my home and work life and that was causing these problems at work (maybe this stemmed from me giving him a heads up a week prior letting him know that we may be transferred within the next YEAR????). The meeting ended that morning with me reiterating my desire to return to the department if he would just address any future issues, complaints, or concerns that came up. VP coolly responded he couldn't guarantee that and he didn't know if he wanted me back in that department because of the friction I caused (which existed well before me) and that he would have to discuss my future with Pres. VP went on vacation that afternoon and that Pres was out of the office as well on business but I at least though some sort of response would have been rendered shortly thereafter as to my job role. When late Friday afternoon rolled around I e-mailed HR manager afternoon asking if he had heard anything and expressing my feeling of being put in a time out / detention for talking out of turn and was now being taught a lesson by being left to linger in limbo. HR tried to reassure me that it was because they were both out. I knew they were in frequent contact with not only each other but the office as well because of them calling in for others and pages being sent over PA system during those 2 1/2 days and I felt as if they were intentionally not dealing with the situation at hand because they do not like confrontations.

I expressed genuine concerns in good faith just as our Corporate Purpose Statement and Policies require me to do. I counted management to properly and positively address the issues I presented numerous times but now wholeheartedly feel that the past weeks openly displayed action of reducing my role within the company to "Asst. to Owner's helper/errand girl" to be a retaliatory reaction to my tattle telling of how the Personnel department is so chaotically run, managed and unstructured.

I truly still cannot comprehend how I am being negatively looked upon for being a responsible employee and doing my job. I also don't understand how the initial situation of requesting proper training and for someone in a supervisory role to address what issues I had come to them with in the first place regarding their department has turned into this. I am shocked and dismayed that I have, within a period of three weeks, gone from a Superior employee (as all of my past employee evaluations attest to) to now being looked down upon as the "troublemaker" and "friction causer" who does not know how to get along with others, deal with pressure but is also unable to competently balance her home/work life. I take exceptional offense to the latter portion of that because I have time and time again proven my ability to handle deadlines and prioritize my workloads in my current and past jobs. I am a 15 year military spouse who, if lacked strength, strong character, foresight and adaptability when it comes to balancing her home/work life VERY WELL, would have never made it this far.

I feel that I have properly followed the chain of command in order to address what has happened which included my requesting a meeting with Pres. one on one. I met with him very briefly on Monday afternoon at 3:10pm. I was disheartened after our short meeting which ended at 3:19 pm, because I had said that I didn't know if he was aware of all that had happened up to this point but would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my perspective. He said that he had already heard what was going on and felt there was no need to "rehash" the issues. He went on to let me know that he was busy that day and that he employs 8 managers to deal with day to day skirmishes around the company. He stated that he trusted their judgment and backed their decisions 100%. I asked him about my current status and he said that since I chose not to return to personnel (which I never stated and as far as I knew, that decision to "allow me back in the dept was still up to he & VP and I was still waiting their answer) that since there were no other positions open I would be allowed to "help" Asst to Owner until an Executive Assistant was hired to fill that spot upon which time my services would no longer be needed. He said there was no need to show me any of the duties that the Exec Asst performs because it was just a short matter of time before someone would be hired therefore a waste of his time and mine. He did however tell me that he appreciated me helping out.

I really feel my issues and concerns have been dismissed and in turn I am being unfairly reprimanded for voicing them. I have been told I will not be allowed to collect unemployment because this is a voluntary separation nor have I been give a set termination date even though I requested one. I sent an e-mail as a last ditch hope for a positive resolution to this matter and copied all involved including the owner. Friday I only worked half day due to another migraine and was bothered by calls from HR 8 times between 3 and 4 o'clock that afternoon. When I finally was fully awake and returned his call he told me that he has "great" news for me and that I was wanted back at work in that department. I asked how I could go from services no longer needed to being asked back to which he had no answer. He also wanted me in a meeting with VP and Super. to which I replied that I would not be comfortable meeting with them at this point but would meet with Pres and some neutral party. Their idea of neutral is the HR guy. Today they asked if I would please come in and meet with Pres & HR guy but have been told by reliable person within that the actual meeting is for Pres, VP, Super, HR (all males) and me which I feel totally uncomfortable doing because there are no neutral players present but feel if I do not go will reflect badly on me since I asked for one last meeting. I need to be pointed in the right direction and so any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.
Cut this down by 75% and ask a question.
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