Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft In desperate need of help

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New Member
Yesterday I was fired from my job at a retailer store for being caught drinking bottle of Vitiman Water in a storage room. The total damage was less than $25, and the Loss and Prevention worker was making everything sound terrifying (which I know I'm not in a good situation). He said that I am going to be served in a few days and then the court date would soon be followed. This is my first time ever getting into legal problems and my husband are at a loss as to what my options are. I've been doing some research and I was curious if a Adjournment in Comtemplation of Dismissal would be an option.

Please help me. I need some guidence on where to go from here.
Long as you have clean record and your county offers ACD then yes you should qualify. The best thing you can do at this point is to start calling Lawyers. many offer free consultations get as many as you can even if you cannot afford one. The reason is you can get information about your options and then be able to tell a Public Defender what you desire as plea deal. Its very likely if you do get a PD that he will not see you until your court date and may already have a deal worked out with DA. If you have met with the Attorneys as suggested you will know if this is good deal or not and can tell PD yes or tell him what you want and to go back to DA
So what my husband and I have done so far is we sent in the check for the damaged amount that they charged me with and I also wrote an apology letter to the collecter. I really don't know what good the letter may do, but it made me feel good about it. To let them know how sorry I was. But I've been wondering, how long does it normally take to get served? They fired me Wednesday, and its friday evening. Should I expect something soon, or was the LPO just threatening me to pay for the damages I caused?
The apology letter may not have been a good idea. Far as being served or charged they have until statute of limtations runs out to file a criminal complaint and that is around one year for a misdemeanor charge
I am saying they (the store) has a year (approx) to file a criminal complaint. However that is very unlikely. If you have not been contacted by courts, Police or DA within two months your probably not going to trial
I have another quick question. Is there a statue of limitations for theft in Ohio? Its nearly been 2 months since the issue and I haven't had a call from the court and no police have served me yet? What is the likelyhood that they'll take action?
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