I'm being sued for confidentiality breach

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New Member
I was in a ten year relationship with my fiance'. He ended the relationship and is now trying to ruin my life. I'm an RN and he wrote several letters to patients stating that I have disclosed their personal health information and that they should pursue lawsuits and get my nursing license revoked. He also went to my boss and gave him a list of patient names. An internal investigation was done and they found I have done nothing wrong. I am being written up with a warning to show that they dealt with the matter. We are in a small area and most know of his mental issues and did not pursue lawsuits. However, one patient has contacted a lawyer and is pursuing this. He is also writing letters and calling friends/family accusing me of affairs, saying that I called them names and they shouldn't be friends with me. Just some pretty bizarre, vindictive narcissistic behavior. He has also filed a small claims court case against me for gifts that he has given me. The police have been called on several occasions by myself and the friends that he has contacted. There is really nothing we can do to shut him up (short of restraining orders) which dozens of people would have to file. No one wants to file because we are all scared that it will enrage him even further.

My main question is that since Washington is not a common law state does the husband wife privilege apply to the HIPPA/confidentiality issue? I am concerned about some of the names he had on the list and have no idea what he thinks he knows should more patients file suits against me. They have a meretricious relationship law but I don't think we qualify because he paid all household bills. I paid for groceries, cooked, cleaned, paid for cell phones, yardword, etc.. I just want him to leave me alone and move on with his life though I could probably pursue libel/slander/defamation suits.
File a suit against him for slander and tortious interference with a business relationship. Further file for injunction relief to shut him the hell up. You need an attorney but it will be well worth your time. Spousal privilege will not help you because the privilege belongs to him it can not be enforced against him. Get a lawyer and make this painful for him and that will make him stop.
You either have money for attorney fees or you will just have to hope for the best. If you want to save your license get the money together. You have no choice. You should not have violated privilege even with your spouse. You are not going to be able to use spousal privilege.
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