Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft I'm being falsely accused of theft

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New Member
I had an officer come to my home today and accuse me of stealing from a local store that day. I had been home the entire day with my mother and her boyfriend, also making several phone calls throughout the day. I was later notified by phone from the investigating officer that I had been identified on a store camera. I have a disgruntled ex who works at this store and I suspect that he had a hand in the "identification". With this false identification on videotape how likely is it that I will be pursued as a suspect and arrested? I would very much appreciate any insight to do with this circumstance.
No one can predict what anyone could or would do in the future.

You should politely refuse to speak with the police, if they contact you again.

If they arrest you, do not resist.

Cooperate with them as to your name, address, date of birth, and age.

Do not deny or confirm anything about these allegations or the case. Politely decline to speak about that and ask for a lawyer.

If you can't afford a lawyer, ask the court to appoint one for you.

The police can only do one thing, arrest you.
They can't try your case.

ANYTHING you say, can and will be used to effect your conviction and incarceration.

Don't say anything about your case to the police.

The police will use many clever and tricky ways to get you to talk to them. Do not speak with them about this matter.

I fear you've said too much already.

But, don't say anymore.

If you do get arrested, it will be a long hard fight.
It ain't gonna go away quickly.
But, if you talk, it'll leave your life in shambles and ruins.
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I was talking with my boyfriend online the entire day. Would the chat logs be valid evidence to prove my innocence? And if so would the chat logs from other days come into question?
Anyone could have been sitting at a computer chatting while you were out loading your bags.

You were contacted because you were identified. That does not mean the case is going anywhere, and it does not mean the identification was correct. Identifications of that type are not the most reliable. I wouldn't worry about it unless you hear from them again- in which case you should follow the advice above.
Alright, thank you. I'm just very nervous right now (as anyone would be obviously), god forbid I end up getting charged for this when I'm innocent.
A lot also depends on how readily apparent you are on the video. If the ex identified you, then others might be able to do so as well.

If they actually have video (and that may have been a bluff) then you can expect that if the video is conclusive that the police will soon have a warrant to arrest you.

Could it be that the theft is alleged to have occurred on a previous day and not the day that you were home chatting with people?
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