Illegal rental and eviction

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New Member
I have been renting a mobile home for six months that it turns out is non-permitted, therefore ilegal.

The landlord has given me a notice to move in 60 days because I asked her to do repairs.

I understand I do not have to pay rent until I move out. What happens if the county comes in and red tags the place. I do not have the money to move right now. Will they force me out?

Can I get my rent paid out back?

What is my best tatic?
most important question. if county finds out house is in violation of code enfforcement, how long will they give me to move?
I am not a lawyer, however, I am almost certain that the fact that it is not legal prevents the owner from collecting rent. I also have heard of landlords having to return rent paid on property that was rented and not legal. Again, I am not a lawyer and could be wrong, but the best way to find out is to consult a real lawyer.
I am staying in pg but whenever i asked my pg aunty about the infrastructure she says that she will make it new after 2 months bu now its been 2 years what will i do?
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