if she's living with someone...

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we pay $800.00 a month in alimony payments & are to pay that for 20 years to my husbands ex... She has been living with her boyfriend for the last year &1/2 & has no plans of marrying. We live in another state & she lives in Ca. Is there any common law stipulation or something??? or do we just get to pay for her & her boyfriends living & vacations for the whole 20 years???COLOR="Purple"][/COLOR]
Unless there is a clause that if she co-habitates with someone, he probably has to pay. He can take his paperwork to an attorney to review. 20 years is a long time to pay alimony, basically sounds like permament alimony. He must have been married to her for a long time.
The paperwork states 20 years (also the amount of years married)
It was what they agreed...
I was told during my divorce (same years married) that I could recieve for 10 years (I declined alimony) & that I couldn't recieve it if I was living with a boyfriend (same state,& attorney)
I think it is case specific. Because one attorney told you co-habitation eliminates it doesn't mean its necessarily true if it is not in the paperwork. Your husband should take all this to an attorney.
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