I was charged with possession of minor age of 20



I am 20 years of age and live in the State of Maine. I was having a few drinks at home with my dad watching the Olympics, when my girlfriend called stating she needed a ride from a party. My mom and I went to pick her up and there was about forty people. I went inside to get her and five minutes later about 5 cops came into the house and would not let anyone leave the inside the house. I called my mom whom was waiting outside but they let no one in or out of the house until they were completed. They charged me with possession of alcohol when I had no alcohol on me. What should I do?


Eddie Atkins
Plead not guilty, hire a lawyer, or ask the court if you qualify for a public defender, make no statements, don't discuss the case, don't try to explain.

When you get to trial, you appear to have a very solid defense, wrong place, wrong time, innocent do-gooder, mother, father, gf should make great witnesses, as will your telephone records, and the telephone records of your gf.