I need to be emancipated 16 almost 17

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OK I'm 16 I'll be 17 in Oct,
I know alot of other people have it way worse but it's really coming to a point where I'm gonna do something I'll regret.
I've been getting hit ever since i can remember, on many stupid things. of course they've been marks, it's even come to blood most times. I never fight back because she's my mother and it's ultimate disrespect to my mom. You see I'm Muslim. and my mom wants us to be the perfect Muslim girl. The thing is I'm the exact opposite. I'm still in the religion I cook and clean 24-7. If it's not done her way or one thing is wrong we all get in trouble. She asks why it's not done and i hate seeing my other sisters getting in trouble so i take the blame most of the time. You'd think my sisters would be grateful but there the exact opposite.My two sisters see me as the weirdo of them. I've tried being friends with them and doing things for them but anything i do i still get called names and get him. My little sister get violent, i don't hit her because i don't want to be like my mom.My older sister is just plain apathetic. She doesn't care as long as she gets food and a bed. Anytime we get in trouble she just stands there and does nothing. I'm tired of all this shit, i'm emotional and physically tired of this. Both sides of my family have heart problems and plenty more heath issues. Anytime I get in trouble or get beat i try not to cry in front of them so i don't but then when I'm alone i cry and sometimes it's comes to a point where I'm crying so hard my chest hurts, I'm tired of her problems. We've moved from NY after my mom moved in with this guy online, she took us, her 5 kids, with her. My oldest sister is 18 now and she still gets beat. Everyday it's the same thing, I cook and clean alongside my sisters. But my sisters, they get along. I'm always considered Cinderella because i worry alot. I've always been independent my moms even said it once i get a job I'm out. and she's right. I've told my mom to throw me out, she's like what's wrong with me. Everyday when i get in trouble for not doing something right, she says get out, I'm not like those mothers to keep you here when you act like that. I don't do anything wrong, of cause I'm not perfect, i can't cook right yet the way she wants me to. I do talk back sometimes and when she's not here i cuss and my sisters tell her that i cuss and then i get in even more trouble. I've been looking for a job for a while now i had an interview a few days ago but my mom messed it up. My dads not in the picture, they divorced a few years ago. She blames us for him leaving. The thing is i really need to leave not only will i be happy but so will my sisters and mom. I'm always the one worrying, I'm 16 and i worry like I'm and adult. Me and my sisters have practically raised my brother and sister since birth. We left school for 2 years to go online school for my mom. Half the time she's yelling at me be like an adult like a mother to my brother and sister but then the other half she's like your not there mother, I'm so tired of this. I want to leave and so does my 15 year old sister but she wants to leave for freedom. not for my reasons. When I'm gone trust me she'll be perfectly happy, she'll get me off her back and can talk to my older sister without having to worry about me coming in and she won't have to say I'll tell you when she's( referring to me) not here. I don't even love my mom or my sisters, anymore, Me and my little sister when we were younger packed our stuff and planned to leave, but it never happened we were 10. I planned to leave at 8 but i wasn't stupid i knew i couldn't survive. So now as and 16 year adult i need to get emancipated. I don't want to go to court because if my mom finds out god knows what would happen. What is the process to get emancipated. I don't have a job or a place but I'm working on it. I'm in school and plan to go to collage. I'm really tired of this I want to leave but i don't want my sisters involved with this, i don't want them to take them away because of the abuse. Child services was called on us a few times already and i don't want them involved, if i could get emancipated or put somewhere else to live that would help so much, What do i need to do to get emancipated?
I'm sorry honey but you're not going to be emancipated.

If you're being abused please call CPS and/or 911 and/or talk to your school counselors.

Emancipation requires that you already have a proven track record of living outside of the home, supporting yourself fully.
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