I need some help

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New Member
I have a 10 year old son. His father and I were never married. We have never went to court over custody of the child. We share him. He stays with him and then he stays with me. When he wants to. He calls the shots. His father also has 3 other children and lives with his mother and father. He does not work. I just got a letter in the mail that I am getting sued for child support. The letters states me as a ABSENT PARENT and that he is the custodial parent. Now, I have to pay child support. And I am not going to do it. We went to court over this is 2002. The judge threw it out and said I didnt have to pay. That noone had to pay until we went to court to establish custody. I received a letter this summer that said I owed over$8,000 in back support from 2002. When the judge threw it out. I took the paper down to the agency, and they said they would handle it. It clearly stated noone is to pay support until we go to court. I dont know what to do. How can he just walk into an office and say I have custody and them give him money and not check it out. And I am an absent parent?.....I am so mad about this...Please someone help me. I think they are screwing me over and I have noone to help me.
Thank you,
You need to file for custody of the child. If dad is the custodial parent then he might be entitled to child support. Whoever has been the primary caregiver generally is given custody. You should see an attorney.
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