My boyfriend has been in st.Clair Illinois county jail for 3 days now. He has a parole hold on him. He suppose to be off parole in December. He was arrested for resisting arrest he didn't do anything he was by a crowd that was fighting. Me and his mom been calling his parole officer at the 1800 number cuz that's the only number we have to contact him and he hasn't returned any of our calls and I call at least two times a day. They have cop out thursday. Do you think he will go back to prison over resisting arrest?
He may not go back to prison, because it takes a judge to formally revoke him.
In the meantime, he could sit in jail for a few weeks.
I suggest you stop making it worse by attempting to speak with his PO.
Even if he or she calls you back, you won't be told anything.
You could speak with a bail bond agency in your county and ask what his bond amount is, or will be.
That will cost you nothing but a few minutes and phone call.
Eventually he will get a parole revocation hearing, on whether his parole should be revoked.
The fact that he is charged with fighting a cop, resisting arrest, is very serious for most people, bust especially for paroled felons.
Even if he were to get bond, beat the revocation, he's still looking at his latest case(s): resisting, maybe even assault on a cop.