I Got Screwed by Hyundai

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New Member
ok..as short as possible-i bought a 2005 Hyundai Accent from Doral Hyundai. Well, 9 days later, the engine seized. I towed the car back to dealer. They wanted me to take the $6000 i spent and apply it toward the purchase of a new car. I considered the offer, i saw a another car it was $10,500. I figured i would finance 4500. Right? NO. The set an obscene interest rate i could never afford (the car would have come out to 19,000 in the end) So, they came up with another offer. They said they would put a brand new engine, with a 10k warranty into the Accent. After thinking about it, i agreed. So, i take the car home. 2months later, the engine seizes. My mechanic says, it was never a brand new engine, he also said it was poor installation and completely their fault. I called them and they are not returning my calls. They are not honoring the warranty and i dont have a copy of it. I got totally screwed, what if anything can i do?
You can attempt to sue them in small claims.
Without proof (the written warranty), that might not fly.

Report them to a local tv station or newspaper or the BBB.

That's a hail Mary, however.

Contact the owner of the dealership and plead your case.

He or she might feel like helping you.

Good luck.
Do you have maintenance records or receipts showing the engine was changed? That might help... as it is unlikely that such a repair would be done without a warranty.
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