Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft I got caught shoplifting 2 dvds 1st time offence

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New Member
I'm 27 and I did something dumb I new I did not have the money so I took the risk and stole 2 dvs 1 worth $15.95 and the other $10 so it was over the $25 limit so a cop was called. I did not get a ticket but was told I'd get a letter and a court date and be fined but the employee the talked to me said she had no idea how much the store would charge but it'd not be over $250 and she said she had no idea what the dealer would charge me for the theft. I did everything they asked they were really very nice. I was straight up and honsest. I told'em why when they asked I dumped my purse out for'em. i'm just worried about fines and my record because I have a clean one so far and am hoping to keep it that way and i'm on ssi so limited income.
A $25.00 theft shouyld have a Civil Demand of around $250.00 give or take 50 bucks. I am not sure what you mean by dealer charge. The court fines should be less than $500.00. You can discuss payment plan on both. You shouyld be calling Lawyers and setting up consultations for those who offer free ones. Ask about Diversion
Admin said:
A $25.00 theft should have a Civil Demand of around $250.00 give or take 50 bucks. I am not sure what you mean by dealer charge. The court fines should be less than $500.00. You can discuss payment plan on both. You shouyld be calling Lawyers and setting up consultations for those who offer free ones. Ask about Diversion

I was told the people who are the ones who send dvds to walmart will charge me also I was told the fee is unknown they deside. i've been looking for lawyers to call its not been easy most wont handle a case in my county. I was told i'd get a lawyer apointed to me because I can't offord one since i'm handicaped
It is possible that the police will request charges through the DA later on. It is hard to say. If all you have to pay is the civil demand,then consider yourself lucky.
Admin said:
No, due to this part of your original post

told I'd get a letter and a court date

okay because i've been looking at alot of different boards and sites. a few suggest going to the court before due date and watch whats going on and maybe see if a lawyer is there to talk to or just talk to the court stating you need a lawyer. sorry for al the dumb q's i'm nervouse I know it was a dumb mistake and all i'm just scared about what it'll do to my future for me and my daughter. shes not one yet so I know my mistake will not make an inpack on her.
Without knowing what court you are going to and for what charges, attending court may not do you much good.

Perhaps when you get notified of the specific code section you are charged with, you can come back.
How do you know what court you are going to if you have not been charged? There are differing levels of offenses that might be applied depending on what the circumstances might be. So, you can go if you want, but if you are charged with a crime not handled in that courtroom what will it have accomplished? Will you be watching jury trials? Have you secured legal counsel?

You may want to wait until you have actually been charged with a crime.
cdwjava said:
How do you know what court you are going to if you have not been charged? There are differing levels of offenses that might be applied depending on what the circumstances might be. So, you can go if you want, but if you are charged with a crime not handled in that courtroom what will it have accomplished? Will you be watching jury trials? Have you secured legal counsel?

You may want to wait until you have actually been charged with a crime.

I asked the cop what court house i'd be going to he gave me the address and told me how to get there. I was told just to go and see how things are handled and such.
theappster said:
I asked the cop what court house i'd be going to he gave me the address and told me how to get there. I was told just to go and see how things are handled and such.
You better hope that the DA does not decide a more serious offense than the officer thinks it might be.

Better to consult an attorney ... but, if you want to run the risk on your own, that's certainly your call.
cdwjava said:
theappster said:
I asked the cop what court house i'd be going to he gave me the address and told me how to get there. I was told just to go and see how things are handled and such.
You better hope that the DA does not decide a more serious offense than the officer thinks it might be.

Better to consult an attorney ... but, if you want to run the risk on your own, that's certainly your call.

the officer was not the one who told me to go a friend said just to see how things are handle and such to kinda understand it more. I was told by the walmart employee since it was my first offence i should be okay.
theappster said:
the officer was not the one who told me to go a friend said just to see how things are handle and such to kinda understand it more. I was told by the Store name employee since it was my first offence i should be okay.
Okay ... here it is: (1) Consult legal counsel. (2) Attend court and watch if you want to, but it may be pointless.

A first offense is not likely to be too serious but you never know what the Loss Prevention people might say or what might be on tape. If you are lucky, you will only get charged with some low level shoplifting offense. If UN-lucky, you could get charged with burglary or some more serious misdemeanor. I am no tall that familiar with the level of offenses in your state, so it coul dvary.
I am curious as to why your taking advice from people who clearly do not know what they are talking about! You have been given excellent advice here use it. We cannot be any clearer on this
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