I am being Cyberbullied

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New Member
A couple of years ago i began playing a game on a social media site. This is a extremely popular game. 2,379,818 people have liked this game on the social media site. This game allows groups of people to form "houses" which then has a feed (chat room). In the beginning, to be in the "house" you had to be friends on the social media site. That has changed now. This is a long story so i am going to cut it down. Basically, through this game app a lot of personal information about me was obtained by people who were in my house at one time, where on my friends list and i considered them my friend.

The harassment started about 2 years ago and has gotten worse over time. Another group "house" has made it their mission to slander my reputation. The most vile, horrible things have been said about me and spread all over the game as truth, when in fact they are vicious lies. I have been called a drug addict, mentally unstable, a pedafile, incestuous with my son, a alcoholic and a habitual liar....none of which are true. I do have a history of depression with suicidal tendencies due to being orphaned at 9 years of age but have never attempted suicide or been hospitalized. I am 48 years old with 3 grown children & a marriage of 24 years to a high ranking police officer. The torment started with remarks about being a orphan and making fun of my depression, when i removed some people from my "house" because they were bulling others. From there it went to making fun of every aspect of my life. My looks, my weight, my kids, my marriage etc. Nothing was off limits for them. From there they started using using my son to upset me. He is in the Marine Corps and has never played this game or had any contact with these people at all. Threats were made to contact his superiors to report me & information was looked up about him. He was, at that time stationed in Washington D.C. in a position of high security. One of the people who has been harassing me, has a military husband who is medically retired due to a traumatic head injury during combat. He came on the game, made a character and started harassing me as well. Making threats to have my son beat up by his military friends. He also told me to put a gun in my mouth & pull the trigger, posted my address and phone number on his board, looked up our home by satellite and describing our cars. He said he had contacted our son's superiors and knew where our son would be going next so he had his friends waiting. He stated that i deserved to have my son come home a invalid, missing limbs or in a steel coffin. Of course i am describing it much nicer than the words he actually used but it was very frightening. There was a article on the internet about his man, as he had been fighting for & just received a purple heart. When my husband read the article and learned that people with his condition have anger and rage issues along with loss of impulse control, he had a duty, not just as a father but as a law enforcement officer, to report the threats against our son. This man & his wife lived in very close proximity (neighboring town) to our son who knew "nothing" about what was going on. This could have affected his career due to his high security clearance & White House duties. He would most certainly been removed from his post due to the threats against him. My husband contacted the agency that was mentoring this man and forwarded them the information along with screenshots of the threats. He stated that we didnt want to get him in trouble but wanted to make sure that his medical team was aware of the situation and that he would get the help he needed along with him stopping his threats against me and our son. The agency that we contacted in turn contacted the VA and local police to protect themselves should this man act on his threats.
This action did make the VA consider hospitalizing him and it did remove him from the game but it only made this group more angry at me & the abuse has escalated against me. This happened in July and our son has since gone to a new duty station and is currently deployed.

This group has made up horrible lies that i had confided in one of them that i had incestuous feelings for my son...This is openly talked about on boards that everyone who plays the game can see. Quotes are made up and insinuated that i had written them, saying things like my home movies are my porn with my son etc. My other son is called horrible things as well. People in my "house" on the game are attacked, stalked and threatened to the point that they cannot enjoy the game. They are told to remove me and they will be left alone. I get messages almost daily from people telling me how much they enjoy me but are going to have to remove me or their friends will remove them. They say that while they know the lies are not true, others believe it and dont want anyone who had contact with me. Fake accounts are created with names simular to mine or making fun of me...like Little orphan georgie, cut out incest etc. A fake group was created on the social network, using my first and middle initals and my last name. There were horrible post about incest and cutting made as if i were saying them. Photo's were stolen from my personal albums on the social network and used in this group, comparing my photo to a photo of chuckie, talking about my weight, depression and children. Photo's of me with the children were stolen and used as well. Due to the fact that my photos were being used without my permission i had put a notification on my account that would alert me if someone tried to tag my photos. I received on that a person tried to tag my photo. It turned out that this is the person who make the group but of course it was a fake account. How i knew about the group is that this person emailed me a link to it and said "Come look". I was absolutely horrified when i saw it. I was taking screenshots of everything when they changed the settings to private and blocked me. 100 people had been added to that group. I immediately contacted the social network site to file a report. Their reply was that they didnt find any violations and that i could ask for a second review but that if i continued to make reports that they determined to be unfounded, i could lose my account. Since this whole group contained photos that belonged to me and were being used without my persmission...I did file the appeal and to this date i never got a reply.

I do screenshot every comment that is made. I have reached out to the creators of the game for help. I file a couple of reports a week but nothing is ever done. This group harasses me on a daily basis. In this last month a letter was written to my husband and mailed to his work address, which has also been posted along with the phone number. A call was made to his work by the wife of the man mentioned above and she posted the name of the dispatcher that answered the phone, so that i would be aware that she had called. When my husband ask the dispatcher about the call, it was obvious that she had called with some made-up question so she could get a name to use to scare me. The letter mailed to my husband was full of lies and he was told to make me stop playing the game. It was insinuated that i had used his position to make threats....which was not true and then he in turn was threatened with a letter being sent to his boss if he does not make me quit the game. A letter was also emailed to my son telling him that i am suicidal, need a intervention and should be removed from the game..all absolutely false, horrible and vile lies. In addition to the reports i file with the game creators, i also filed a 3 party app complaint with the social network. They replied that they had contacted the game creator and that they stated they are working with me. They also said that harassment was not their department and that i should report all harassment by hitting the report link where the content is posted. That is impossible since most of the content is in the actual game and not the social media site. I then ask to be transferred to the correct department because i am confused about how to report it. I then got the same reply. I restated my situation again about needing to be connected to a person who can help me and i still have not gotten a reply. All i ever get from the game creator are a standard automated reply below:

Thank you for contacting us with this report, as we take these matters very seriously. We will be undertaking an investigation of the violations you reported and will take the appropriate action to make sure that these do not continue. Please note that you will not receive a notification about any action taken as a result of this report, as we cannot disclose corrective action given to any player with anyone other than the account owner. We sincerely apologize for any frustration or inconvenience this situation may have caused, and hope that you will continue to play and enjoy our games

That is all i ever get despite pleading for help to end this harassment. The same players are there every day tormenting me. People say just dont play the game but it isnt the game anymore, it is the principle of the matter and not letting these people get away with doing this to me or they will do it to others. Their goal is obviously to stop me from the game and that is the very reason i should NOT stop. My husband has been very reluctant to interfere because of the very thing that happened with the letter. He has always concerned about the accusation that he is using his position. The lies told about drug use, incest etc are also very embarrassing to him and could be used to try and affect his position in law enforcement. It is embarrassing to even repeat the horrible vile things that have been said and quite frankly people who have not been subjected to this type of cyber stalking do not understand why i dont "just walk away". My reputation & character have been ruined and i want to see the people that do this type of things to others, be removed from social networks so that they cannot do it to others. I feel like i dont have any where else to turn. Can someone help me? I do have documentation & screenshots of everything that i have talked about here and much more.

I am seriously considering legal action against the game creator, the social networking site and these individuals if you think i have a case. This has gone way to far and my pleas for help are being ignored. No one should have to endure this type of harrassment.
I, too am being bullied by a sick, disturbed person. I agree with the person above. Why should she be forced to leave when they are the ones committing the harrasement? You would feel different if the shoe was on the other foot. This is WRONG!! When should we have to ignore such dispicable actions, when doing so will only lead to such practices increasing and becoming more virulent? Eventually, it will lead to internet censoring, strict regultions. We do not want goverment interference on the internet. They screw up enough things as it is. If we do not fight this kind of harrasement, it will only get worse. I for one WILL not stop, until this creature can never do to another what he has done to me. You may be cowards, but I admire this woman's courage nd tenacity, and advise her to fight with every means at her disposal against these morons, even if she hs to hire a cyber technician and fight fire with fire to do it. Good luck, my friend!
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