How to fight this speeding ticket

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New Member
I visited Boston from New York and I was on I90 close to Boston around 9pm. It was dark. I was on the left lane and driving along with the traffic. A car behind me got very close and tailgated me. I was think what's wrong with this guy. Then the car start to flash all his lights. I guessed it's a police car. I moved to the lane on my right. He stopped flashing and moved up on the left lane. I thought he was trying to get through and get ahead. But then he moved out of the left lane too. I went back to left lane to continue my trip. He moved back to the left lane and tailgated me again. I was quite close to the car in front me that I braked myself a little but not too much so he wouldn't hit me. Then he flashed his lights again to pulled me over.

He approached my car from the passenger side. My friend on the passenger seat lowered the window. The police said "don't you know you are not supposed to drive on the left lane." Well I didn't know that and I never heard of that I can't drive on left lane. He asked for my driver license and registration. Went back to his car for like five minutes and came back with the ticket. My violation: Fail to user right lane ($100); Speeding 78mph in 65 mph zone ($130). A total fine of $230. He handed the ticket and walked away. I got off my car and asked "can I have your name?" He said everything is on my ticket and he ordered me to get back into my car. He drove away before me.

That's the story. On the back of the ticket, the option is either pay the fine or mail $25 to arrange a court appearance. Now I'm back in New York and I don't go to Boston for the time being. Do I have a chance to fight this ticket?

Also, on the ticket, it says court code 67 and court address 67. Would anyone know where that is?

Thanks for helping.
If traffic school is an option, take it.

Many states offer traffic school online.

Another great tactic is to plead to plead guilty and request deferred adjudication, if its offered.

Finally, you can always hire a lawyer to seek a better outcome.

Know this, its RARE for a cited individual to overcome the police officer's word over theirs.
You won't beat this. As you describe it you committed both violations. It does not matter that you were unaware of the law.
Drive right, pass left.
You won't beat this. As you describe it you committed both violations. It does not matter that you were unaware of the law.
Drive right, pass left.

As for the speeding violation. Everyone was driving at that speed. If I slow down, wouldn't I commit some "obstruct traffic" violation and cause him crashing into me?

As for the "Drive right, pass left" violation, I yield to him the first time, yet he was not there to pass anyone but to give out tickets, driving a car without police identity.

He tailgated me, isn't that a dangerous thing to do in highway? Especially for a cop who knows better about laws.
You might want to talk to a lawyer if you believe it is worth "fighting" the ticket. They should be able to get you the best outcome possible. Tell the lawyer everything you have told us.
Everyone was driving at that speed.

That argument never works. This goes along with the old "If everyone else is jumping off a bridge" scenario. If other people are exceeding the speed limit they can get around you in the left lane. If you are driving in the left lane, exceeding the limit or not, you could get hit with obstruction.

As for the "Drive right, pass left" violation, I yield to him the first time....

The point is that you should not have been there the first time. The officer first warned you and got you to move over, but you went right back to driving the wrong lane. It seems his intention at first was not to write a citation but you forced the matter.

He tailgated me, isn't that a dangerous thing to do in highway? Especially for a cop who knows better about laws.

Was he following too closely or were you obstructing traffic by driving in the left lane? What you consider tailgating may not have really been too close, especially if it was night and he was trying read your license plate. Besides, that argument goes nowhere toward beating your citation.
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