how to evict my ex-boyfriend who is on the lease


New Member
how to evict my ex-boyfriend who is on the lease? He dad's our landlord. We broke up though he says we haven't. He breaks in my room touches me and after I've ask him to stop He keeps on. He breaks in when I take a shower tells me to have sex with him I say no. He tell me there a chip in hes head and it's my fault. It's really gotten bad. I pay all the bills and rent. I really don't know what to do. He also has to watch me pee. I can't live like this any more help please
Why isn't this obvious?

Counselor, I'm certain you've seen and/or heard this hundreds of time, that isn't the outcome the questioner desires. and your ex-boyfriend rent a place from his father?

So MOVE OUT. Why isn't this obvious? The notion that you can evict your co-tenant is absurd, and it's not likely that his father is going to evict him.

He's dad just says I need to take care of him he has a mental illness and so they need people who love them around them