How do I receive permission to use companies material?

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New Member
Hi there,

I am writing an information ebook on how to earn money with a company called SquishyCash. I have already sent them an email requesting their permission to use screenshots from their website to help guide my readers through the process.

How should I obtain that information if they allow it?

Is it okay if it is written in an email, or does it need to be on actual paper?

Bonus Question:

If they ask to see the book before they give me permission, should I copyright it first, or not?

Thank you for your help!
Your first question seems to be asking about the proper format for the authorization to use the screenshots (but I'm not 100% if that is your question). There is no "required" format, but you want to be certain that you have a record of clear authorization from someone appropriately authorized to make such a grant. It would be great if you could get them to sign a simple license agreement, defining what images you will be using and how. However, depending upon further details, its possible your use could be "fair use", in which case license would not be necessary. You'll need a lawyer to determine that because it is a case-by-case determination without an easy answer. For the copyright question, since the cost to file a copyright is so minimal, and since your copyright extends to derivative works (further revisions), I generally recommend going ahead with the copyright filing at the earliest point because your potential right to statutory damages, as well as other benefits, are more secure that way.
1. They will draft a licensing agreement or an agreement to let you use the material.

2. Unless you are concerned with them stealing it letting them see the book you are producing shouldn't be a problem.

3. If you really need help contact me and I'll come up with an attorney here in GA for you. I live here too.
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