How can I enforce a court order in the divorce decree?

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New Member
I was awarded a judgment for my attorney fees and medical bills incurred when my husband did not provide medical insurance athough ordered to do so. During our divorce proceedings, the judge did not set an amount to be paid monthly for the medical bills but did set an amount for my attorney fees. He showed a low amount of income and the attorney fees were all he could pay since he paid child support to a previous wife. Since I paid the attorney already, that amount should have gone to me. As far as I know he never paid the attorney fees he was ordered to monthly and my credit is ruined due to the large amount of medical bills unpaid.
The attorney never followed through on the payments, why should she when she had her money from me and the payments he made would have been to reimburse me. Now I am out the attorney fees and the medical bills! How can I go about enforcing the order without paying another attorney a boatload of money?
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