Assault & Battery How can I drop charges?

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My fiance and I recently got into a arguement which lead me into fighting with him. He cam into my home and broke a few things, I got a knife out the kitchen and began trying to attack him with the knife. I then let him leave my house, a few moments later I guess my neighbors called (Pontiac, Mi) police and they came thru my garage which I forgot I left open. I gave them a report and I think I told them he put his hands on me which never really happened I was just upset at the time about everything that had went on. They then called in a warrent for him. He's currently on Parole for assualt with attempt to murder which he served 6 1/2 years for in this state. I want to drop the charges and I want to know if there is anyway I can do that. He hasn't turned his self in yet.
You need to contact the police officer that took the report and correct your statement. The sooner you do this then the less damage that will be done.
You probably won't be able to stop your fiance from being arrested at this point, however your added statements may keep the District Attorney from filing criminal charges. This is a domestic violence case and YOU can't drop the charges. It is in the hands of the DA.
Be careful that you do not get caught falsifying statements or the tables will turn on you.

Stop threatening people with knives or you will find yourself locked up.
My fiance and I recently got into a arguement which lead me into fighting with him. He cam into my home and broke a few things, I got a knife out the kitchen and began trying to attack him with the knife. I then let him leave my house, a few moments later I guess my neighbors called (Pontiac, Mi) police and they came thru my garage which I forgot I left open. I gave them a report and I think I told them he put his hands on me which never really happened I was just upset at the time about everything that had went on. They then called in a warrent for him. He's currently on Parole for assualt with attempt to murder which he served 6 1/2 years for in this state. I want to drop the charges and I want to know if there is anyway I can do that. He hasn't turned his self in yet.

Mighty is right, you cant drop charges, Good for you for wanting to tell the truth as he could be looking at some time for this. Best thing he can do is get an attorney and let his attorney handle this from here on out. Dont be scared about trouble you may be in for "stretching the truth". If he did nothing wrong then he should not have to pay for it. He would be in far more trouble with his record than you would be. Good luck.
Thanks to bothof you. I was thinking if I told them he never put his hands on me do you think they will drop it to a lower charge or just destruction of property?
It is too late. You already said that he did assault you.
By contacting them and correcting your statement you might make it less likely that the District Attorney will file any charges.

That said, if he has not been arrested by now, he might not be at all. At this point the police likely will need a warrant to make the arrest, and the warrant depends on the strength of the evidence the police provide, which includes your statements.
He's a parolee ... if parole is revoked, they won't necessarily need a warrant to make the arrest. And depending on the time frame of such things, and whether or not they are still actively looking for him as the report winds its way to the court for a warrant, probable cause to make an arrest might still exist. Though the process might be different in MI.

I recall in San Diego County that probable cause could exist for up to 30 days in some cases because of the time frame it would take to obtain an arrest warrant for most felony cases.
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