Homeowners Association harassment, discrimmination


New Member
I moved to Florida November 1, 2012 and have had problems since I moved into the community, not with the neighbors, but specifically the Homeowners Association, The day after I moved into the community the president of the HOA committee rang my doorbell and asked for the man of the house, I said I was a single woman, no husband or boyfriend at the time, he then told the previous owner took immaculate care of the house and I expect you to do the same. The third day he came back and handed me the covenant and told me "Instead of watching TV, I strongly suggest you read the bilaws cover to cover. I said who has time for TV, I just moved in, not that it is his business what I do. A week later he comes back again and tells me He strongly suggests I change my garbage company since others were using Waste Pro and I was not. I said the bilaws state it is up to the homeowner to choose the company to use and I made my choice and I am sticking with it. That is one bone of contention with the president of the HOA. Since that time I am harassed and discriminated against because single women are not wanted in the community, especially ones who are not bullied easily. I have had complaints because my garbage is picked up at the door and not at the end of the garage, I have 42 pieces of hardware in my back alone from being crushed between two trucks, and still I was told change companies. To date I am still being harassed about that and many other things. My property is clean and maintained, I get harassed about cars parked in the driveway, how many people come over. I have family that live near, every week 8 of us get together inside my house, we are not noisy, disturb nobody. I get along great with my neighbors, it is the HOA, now they are fining me for parking, claiming I am parking in the swale when I do not. My neighbor who is on the committee even said she does nothing wrong why are you guys persecuting her.
The HOA has been sued before my other women for discrimination and harassment, this is not a community I would recommend. I do not know what to do, this has been four years of this, I do not want to lose money on the house, I would get a lot less then what I paid for, I put in a lot of upgrades. I am a disabled single woman, I would like to know my rights and if you can recommend an attorney.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.
It is unclear if there are actual violations of the HOA rules or not. It is also unclear what you have done to address these issues. Have you attended HOA meetings? Spoken with the head of the HOA? Participated in the elections for the board (assuming these are elected positions as is common)? Used whatever procedure your HOA by-laws outline for challenging any violations?

It is also unclear just from what you wrote, that any of this is because of your gender or disability.
HOAs can be notorious for bullying home owners.
Your mistake is akin to emigrating to North Korea because the Dear Leader tells funny jokes. Others know the Dear Leader is one unstable, violent, demagogue, whack job, who claims he's a god.

Your easy way out is to take whatever loss is necessary to break the chains of oppression, but you're unwilling to lose money. So, you'll continue to enjoy being bullied, abused, annoyed, spied upon, and harassed.

If you do decide to move, make sure you don't buy your next home in a fascist HOA controlled zone.