HOA Executive session "hearing" and Refusal to Disclose

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New Member
After 12 years of being severely harassed by my neighbor, I finally filed a complaint with my HOA. What caused me to finally do so, was her physically hostile behavior toward me and my conclusion she was unstable. The board told me they do not keep meeting minutes, meetings cannot be recorded. They invited me to attend her "hearing" but I declined, due to the neighbors demeanor to me in close proximity & the fact she is personal friends with board members. I received an email that her "explanations were reasonable, no actions possible by the board and the matter is closed." Harassment has escalated. I requested from the board "questions asked and answers given" yet they say it is confidential. I have been physically assaulted by this neighbor. Am I entitled to what was said in the hearing?
Why waste your time reporting physical confrontations to a bunch of adults who pretend to be important?
I'd never buy a home controlled by housing nazis.
If someone attacks you, threatens you, accosts you, commits a crime against your person or property; any five year old knows to IMMEDIATELY call "911"!
Your taxes fund your local law enforcement organization, call them if the creature attacks you again.
In the meantime, ignore her, avoid her, keep to yourself.
Can't you see the deck is stacked against you?
No matter what you say, the HOA nazis won't hear you.
If you can find a sucker, sell, get out while you can.
Otherwise, this will be your life for years to come. Enjoy.
You've already got 12 years on the job, only 18 more until you can retire.
Seriously, get out of there.
Those HOA idiots pretend they're elected officials to congress, or appointed to cabinet posts by the president.
My God, who needs a neighbor telling you to cut your grass, and city inspectors, too?
Living among those fakes is as bad as being in a state prison. In prison, they'd put you OC if you were assaulted. Living amongst the HOA, blue bloods, they fine you!!!!
Who wants that?

Those jack booted, nazi wannabe, thugs won't give you the time of day.
Don't waste your time asking them for a darn thing.
Avoid them, too.
You won't get anything but mugged dealing with thugs.
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