New Member
My ex-wife and I have a daughter who seeks routine medical care at a local Family Practice Center, my ex- mother-in-law is also the "office manager" at this facility. My ex-wife comprised custody court documents to be filed at the local courthouse, included my name, address, social secuirty number, birthdate, and contact number along with attaching copies of our current custody court order with contained both my personal information, our child's personal information, and information pertaining to my current wife. My ex-wife then transmitted this paperwork, along with a petition for emergency custody secondary to suspected endangerment of our child's welfare to her attorny's office on a Sunday from the Family Practice Center. This medical facility is not oopen on Sundays, so my ex-wife either had access to the fax machine at this physican office, or my ex-mother-in-law faxed it for her, either way, my information was not permitted to be faxed from this physican's office due to I had no knowledge, personal custody matters were exposed into a medical setting where both my ex-wife and I are responsible for bringing our child for care, we share 50/50 split physical and legal custody. It was recently brought to my attention that once again, my information relating to custody court proceedings, along with our child's personal information, and my current wife's information was transmitted via fax from this physican office to an attorney's office, this time on a Tuesday afternoon; whereas, the office was open and my information was subjected to the viewing of additional medical staff. Is this a violation of my privacy rights, and what measures can I persue to not have this continue to happen. I live in a small community, and now my personal information seems to have become public????