Hernia mesh lawsuit


New Member
New York
My wife had inguinal hernia mesh since 2008,nothing but problems since she had it in her, she became diabetic right away from having the mesh then lived with drainage tube for months, the surgeon didnt remove the mesh when he should and she wasnt able to know what type of mesh was it, pain didnt go away and it kept her home most times and sh wasnt able to work cuz of th pain, in 2015 she start working for financial reasons and after one month th pain got worsen to the point that we had to go to ER in Jan 2016, they kept her for 5 days and they narrow it down to the mesh, went back the surgeon that put the mesh in and he did performed a surgery to check th mesh and said it look great and he found blood and a 1 pound of scar tissues and he said that th pain and blood was cuz of ovary cysts, we didnt believed him so we did checked with gynecologist right away and did sonogram that shows no cysts, went back to the surgeon with the update but still
he denied its th mesh and he refused to tell us what type of mesh he put in her as i suspected it was a recalled mesh, we retrieve all medical records and it has no info about what type mesh was it, we were lost and devastated.
After 8 months of looking around for a real dr while my wife was btween bed and couch unable to walk with no explanation for her pain, in Sep 2016 we did found a reliable surgeon from NYC, once he heard the symptoms he knew it was th mesh, he ordered a CAT scan and th result shows he that mesh is solid hard in her gut while it should have been flexible patch! Dr said it need to come out right away, we did travel for surgery from WNY to NYC and removed th mesh paying out of pocket. The NYC surgeon operative report said its Gore Tex mesh and he said we stop using this mesh becuase it never stay flex.
Now my wife recovering and she is back to normal , my question is how can drs manipulate us with no law that protect our rights? Why we were never able to know that sh had a recalled mesh all these years? how can the discovery rule play in our case? is it possible that th surgeon have ties with the mesh companies that prevent them from taking patients sides? How is that fair?
Note we do have all operative reports that prove everything stated above.
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So, you take all your paperwork and approach a few malpractice attorneys. If they decline to take the case, then you have nothing. There was also at one time a class-action suit being advertised. You can see about finding the status of that using Google.
Consult a medical malpractice attorney and review your options.

There really isn't anything else we can tell you.
I did and they say i should take to a mesh lawyer. I do believe that th mesh companies have th upper hand and everyone else doesn't matter
I did and they say i should take to a mesh lawyer. I do believe that th mesh companies have th upper hand and everyone else doesn't matter

That's not news, mate, that's just the way it is.
The elites are treated differently than the peasants.
That's not unique to the USA, that's the way of homo sapiens.
Its been that way for thousands of years, the wealthy and their kind, use the world as their Burger King to "have it their way."

As suggested, talk to a few medical malpractice attorneys.
Just start calling and pounding the pavement, visit as many as you need to until you get help, or are convinced that this is the best it'll ever be for your wife.

One parting comment, mate, thank the owl, the frog, a leprechaun, your deity, or lucky number; your wife is still alive.

Hold it, more coming.

You see, death is the great equalizer, ain't it?

You can cheat Bob.

Bob can cheat me.

I can cheat Maude, but none of us is going to cheat the "Grim Reaper".

The Grim Reaper doesn't respect person, place, status, wealth, or title.
When your time is up, you get booted off your pony, and this life is over.
That's what gets me through, mate, the thought that no one cheats Reaper.