helping a friend

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New Member
i was helping a elderly lady sell her house because she had to enter a home form the elderly. her house was sold now the new owner claims that there is mold in the bathroom and that he is going to serve my friend with papers. my friend has no money and is almost blind and can barely walk. has the new owner have a case? please help me?
has the new owner have a case
Difficult to say on the limited info. How extensive was the mold damage? Is the repair cost significant that the buyer would not have bought the house if he was aware of it? Was this known by the owner and intentionally withheld from the buyer? Id the buyer do a walk-thru inspection prior to puchase or did he buy the house unseen? Was there no realtor involved?

Also what state is this? With these answers, perhaps someone else with real estate knowledge can answer your query.
The buyer should have had the house inspected-- this is not up to the seller-- there are home inspectors that will come in for roughly 175-275$ to inspect the home before purchase-- this is the buyers responsibility-- sorta like when you buy a car you should have a mechanic look @ it. I would not worry about it, if he does sue her then the kick back would be-- he had ever right to inspect this home before he purchased it.
If the owner knew of a major problem within the bathroom, perhaps a plumbing leak, and did not take the proper steps to fix it then there very well may be a civil issue. This would more definitely be the case if the owner intentionally made cosmetic repairs to cover up the real damage. The seller MUST make the buyer aware of any known problems which may affect the value of the home and property. If it can be shown the buyer intentionally misled the buyer then there can be recourse.
I disagree-- if the buyer is dumb enough to fork out thousands of dollars with out doing a proper inspection then he should go back to common sense schooling--- Trying to prove the seller was out to get the buyer and intentionally tried to rip him off -- is going to be a hard case to prove-- she has been sent to a rest home for heaven sake., she is not a construction worker or a home inspector—
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