Parole, Probation, Release help

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My son is being held for probation violation due to a crime he committed to supply hisself drugs to suppress mental illness therfore he was in violation of his prior probation I have no means to pay his rears so he can be released so I can get him the help he needs pls let me know what I need to do an who I need to talk too
Your best bet is probably to talk to a lawyer/get him a lawyer.
Legitimate attorneys do not troll message boards looking for clients. Nor is anyone going to recommend an attorney for you. You can click the "Find Lawyers" button on the top of the page or you can start calling attorneys in the phone book.
My son is being held for probation violation due to a crime he committed to supply hisself drugs to suppress mental illness therfore he was in violation of his prior probation I have no means to pay his rears so he can be released so I can get him the help he needs pls let me know what I need to do an who I need to talk too

I feel the love and care you hold for your son.
You're a great mother.
I also know how hard it is for most average folks these days.
You're working hard, scuffling everyday to pay the rent, buy the groceries, and just trying to get by in a hard, cold, mean world.
Its also that time of year when people start to think of family, Santa Claus, pretty lights, lots of food, and gifts.
Then your son is going off the deep end, and gets himself in more trouble.
You want to help him, mom, you always want to help him.
God bless you for giving all you have to help him.
But, he'll be okay.

So, this is what you can choose to do to help your boy, mom.
Write him a letter, wait until he calls you, or go visit him.
You tell him this:

Son, mom loves you.
Mom doesn't have the money to do everything she wants to do for you, son.
So, you do this:
Plead not guilty, admit to nothing, ask the court to appoint you a public defender to help you, and ask the medic in the jail to see a physician about your medical issues.
When you meet with your lawyer, son, tell him about your medical and mental issues.

That way he gets help, mom, and you can rest better.
You've done all you can, given all you can give, and done all you can do.
Then just stick to your guns.
He'll get the help he needs, and you can rest knowing you've done your best to be a greta mom.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and do take care of yourself dear lady, please!
Sounds like you kid has much bigger problems than mental illness if he is already on probation and still illegally obtaining drugs. There are much better ways to get help than violating probation and committing additional crimes. Probation should be a heck of a wake up call and when he is on his best behavior. If he needed medical help, you needed to see that he got it. There are numerous legal ways to obtain mental health services. I strongly suggest you start investigating them. They will not magically go away when he is released. The fact that he is still making very bad choices does not bode well. He is not only facing the current charges but the consequences of what he did to get placed on probation in the first place. Do not expect this to end well for him. You need to be realistic. He needs to speak with his lawyer immediately. He should have one appointed if he can not afford one. You can contact a few legal aid clinics and lawyers who do pro bono work but honestly, those who will take on a case with a probation violation are extremely rare. There isn't much you can do for him but researching resources for the future would be a start.
You can contact your local or state bar assoc. to see if they "might" be able to recommend a lawyer in your area who will work pro bono. Is there a law school in your area - you can try there also or your local legal aid society. Otherwise, ask the court if they will appoint a public defender.
I had no idea he was mentally ill until he went to jail an was diagnosed as for the drug use he was self medicating we have defeated the drug abuse with his mental meds however I cant apply for help for his meds an his ssi until he is released
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