HELP im 16...

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New Member
Hello Im 16 Years old, I have an alcoholic Mother, and a Father who is in jail. I wish to go live with my grandparents, but they neither have the money to go to court to fight for me, or will they do it fearing my mother will win and not allow me to see them. I can't drive yet and My mother remarried a long time ago, and my new step-dad is Terrible, I lived with him 6 years and ended up going to a psychiatrist about him and other reasons. My mother is totally one sided and I cant move out legally till im 18 or my dad gets out of jail I cant put up with it much more. I fear Im going to run away, commit suicide or murder my stepfather. Ive tried everything I can, even as I write to you, My mother is Drunk, my step-dad is over (they were going to get a divorce and he moved out last october.) I need any help you can give on what I can do or laws I can do to fight my own battle. Please anyone help me.
Hello Kimorto, I'm sorry to hear about what is going on in your life. I was scrolling through this site & came across your message. I'm a Mother of 3 grown Children & a 10yr. old who is my sister. I took her in when she was just 2mths. old because our father passed on. I've learn alot about childrens laws & rights since then. at 16yrs. old you have your own rights. try contacting the DHS services in your area. If they find enough just cause to remove you from your home, your grandparents can take you in. family is always the first people that are contacted before a forster home is consider. I wish the best for you.

Originally posted by Kimorto
Hello Im 16 Years old, I have an alcoholic Mother, and a Father who is in jail. I wish to go live with my grandparents, but they neither have the money to go to court to fight for me, or will they do it fearing my mother will win and not allow me to see them. I can't drive yet and My mother remarried a long time ago, and my new step-dad is Terrible, I lived with him 6 years and ended up going to a psychiatrist about him and other reasons. My mother is totally one sided and I cant move out legally till im 18 or my dad gets out of jail I cant put up with it much more. I fear Im going to run away, commit suicide or murder my stepfather. Ive tried everything I can, even as I write to you, My mother is Drunk, my step-dad is over (they were going to get a divorce and he moved out last october.) I need any help you can give on what I can do or laws I can do to fight my own battle. Please anyone help me.
Child Services

Go to Child Services. Tell them you parents are not fit and you want to live with your Grandparents, they should be able to help you.
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