HELP - How do you prove a childs residency?

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HELP - How do you prove a childs residency?


I have been asked to put together the information to prove residency of my son. The other party in this matter has the Burden of proof since this person is alleging residency to avoid child support, but I still need to put this together for my own defence.

Probably sound easy at first glance, and is most definitely what I thought especially since the young man in question has always lived with me.

But before you ask. Of course I asked family and friends what they thought would be the best information to produce. The general conscience was to put together all the information pertaining to important events, such as Birthday's, Holiday's and such. Wouldn't a visiting non-custodial parent have important events as well? So as I looked through some of these items, then it hits me. Is a Judge going to dig through all these pictures, papers and nick-naks? The answer is NO This person is a professional who is looking for facts, clear and concise Facts. Here in lies my dilemma… I am completely and totally emotionally involved here; it's all important and relevant to me. Sure I could pack it all up and pay a Law Firm to sort through it, but who can afford the hours it would take to do that. (If you said I can.. please forward a check to P.O. Box…. Just Kidding ).

Hopefully you can see my dilemma, maybe offer some advise on what you would do if it were you. Help me narrow down the field so to speak, all these things seem so important to me, but it doesn't make it relevant.
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