Help! can my unimployment ck be garnished

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New Member
A collection agency sent me a summons last week saying they are taking me to court for $4000 i have owed this for years. they also added there own fees, so now it's over $5000. I have not made a payment in years on this. it,s from a HSBC card i had about 6 years ago. i made a payment of $500 about 3 years ago. I am on unimployment now and just making my car and rent payments. can they garnish my unimployment check? I also told them i may be abel to pay about 50 a month but they want $1000. what should i do?
Ignore them. If you hadn't sent that payment, the statute of limitations would protect you now.

Stop communicating with them.

No, your UI benefits can not be attached!
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