Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Hate crime

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Back in 1978 I was arrested for having sex with a minor. I was 19 and she was 17. It was a Romeo and Juliet case. Adjudication was witheld. Because it was a sex crime the case is available when a FDLE background check is run.

I have a neighbor who from time to time likes to put up a large sign on the side of the road next to his property drawing attention to my past. He makes copies of the FDLE document and puts them in a plastic tube. He calls me a sex pervert on the sign and also calls me a child molester.

Question: Is this behavior legal? Can you harass a person for something they did 33 years ago? My social security number is on the FDLE document he is circulating and there have been several identity theft attemps as a result.

Are there any actions I can take legally to stop this behavior?

Thank you.
No. What you were convicted of doing is in the public record.

Your neighbor is breaking no laws.

He's merely using material in the public realm to inform the public.

I suggest you not interfere with his freedom of speech in the dissemination of information.
If you want, you can attempt to get a restraining order and have a judge tell him to knock it off. You will have to be very convincing about it and explain exactly how you are being harmed/harassed. It may not work- but you can try and the expense is relatively low.

Just curious... have you even talked to the neighbor about it?
Yes, the neighbor knows the truth. He is a law breaker and the Home Owners Association often brings him into compliance. He puts up that sign and other such tactics as his way of expressing his displeasure. However, I appreciate you taking the time to post. Thank you kindly!
The HOA will not get involved. The only kind of aggressive action they will take is if you fail to pay your annual fees they will put a lien on your property. Other than that they are pretty much passive and tolerant. They have been sued in the past for not enforcing the deeds and covenants. It's always a struggle and very expensive.

What I resent about the sign is that it refers to me as a child molester. I have never molested a child in my life. Those are his words. My crime occurred 33 years ago and I am not even the same person. It doesn't seem right that a person's name can be slandered in such a reckless and hateful manner.
I feel for you and would also be upset. I would keep pushing the issue with your HOA. Maybe they will someday make him take the sign down. Good luck. What exactly were you convicted of?
The conviction was lewd and laciviousness in the presence of a child (bear in mind that any person under the age of 18 in the US is considered as a child legally). My girlfriend was 17 and I was 19 (now referrered to as romeo and juliet clause). We were home alone when her family suddenly came home. Her father saw my car in the drive. He came in and kicked my girfriends bedroom door open and caught us having sex. My girlfriends mother and her little sister (11 y/o) saw the whole thing. Her father grabbed me, slambed me up against the wall off of my feet and choked my throat with one hand. I was so scared I was peeing in my pants. The whole time my pants were around my ankles. He let me drop to the floor and threatened my life and I left. The next morning detectives were at my door and arrested me. Her father pressed all the changes that could be applied to the situation and the fact that her little sister saw my nakedness complicated the situation. Ultimately, I got off rather lightly. 10 days in county jail, 6 months of weekends in the city stockade and 3 years probation. It seems the judge knew that I was not really a threat to society. He put value on the fact that I was in jr. college and a productive member of society. He was under alot of pressure from the father who was beside himself. I must add that if it was me who caught my daughter having sex in my house I would have most likely responded the same way.
I would have peed my pants to lol. Like I said I feel for ya and agree the guy needs to stop. Does he know the details of the case? Maybe that would make a diference, or he couldnt care less and is just a jerk. Keep pushing the issue with hoa and maybe something will change. Good luck.
Or if the HOA doesn't mind the signs, put up your own big sign that points to the neighbor's house which reads "My neighbor is a big, fat jerk!"
LOL, yea do a little reasearch yourself and see if the guy has ever been convicted of something and put your own sign up.
Great news! There was a loud knock at my door this afternoon. I awoke from a nap to find two female detectives at my door. They were from the sex crimes unit. A new neighbor who lives out past my house saw my neighbors sign referring to me as a child molester. She called the sheriff's office seeking to know what was going on as she was concerned for her children. The detectives did an investigation which included talking to everyone in my neighborhood. The detectives also informed all the neighbors that they interviewed that I was not a child molester or any such thing and that there was nothing to be concerned about. After that they came to my house. We sat down and they asked me if I was aware of the sign across the street. I said yes. They ask if I was concerned about it. I said of course but I cannot make him take it down. They said that there was no record of my being a child molester or any kind of sexual offender. And as far as the incident that took place back in 1978 was concerned I was not convicted and that my situation does not meet the requirements to be classified as a registered sex offender so that's that. They went on to tell me that they were now going across the street to inform him that he cannot post that sign and the associated information. They went over and confiscated all of the information associated with the sign and then the neighbor took the sign down. The detectives had also indicated that I had a great civil law suit for libel and slander against that guy and that the sheriff's office would stand behind me in court because they had taken a photo of the sign, done a complete investigation as well as interviewed all the neighbors.

Needless to say this has been quite a day. What a relief it is not to have that nasty sign across the street. Being vindicated by law enforcement is a sweet deal indeed. Seems my good name will be restored as you can imagine how the neighbors will be talking about this. I wish to thank those of you who gave sound advice and moral support. It was greatly appreciated.
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That is interesting... I wonder how the neighbor ever got the information in the first place?

Totally up to you if you want to pursue anything against the neighbor... personally, it sounds like a situation that might be best left alone. You won.
here is what you do my friend.... first of all are you still friends with the girl... if YES, then do this, both of you file a grievance judgement of your past arrest. She can stop it, remember her parents at the time has proper parental rights while she was living under their roof. no matter how long it takes fight it. even go as far asking your Governor of your state and ask for a pardon both of you. i seen this done... once you are pardon, then sue the guy who puts up a false sign and teach him a lesson.
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Oh Jesus i am wondering how come some one can do this for something which happened 33 years ago. Talk to her for not doing this because you have been committed crime 33 year ago and now even you are ashamed of doing that so please give you a chance to be honest with humanity. i hope she will understand your feelings.
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