Harassment, Stalking, Misconduct harassment by ex-boyfriend

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New Member
My ex-boyfriend (who i broke up with in January of 2007) has been obsessively writing blogs about me , trying to contact me in all different sorts of ways and snooping on my myspace (which i have now deleted) and my facebook. 2 days ago he IMed me off of his best friends' screen name and started saying a bunch of disgusting , sexually explicit things to me. I called the police and made a report but i don't know what else to do. The police said this is considered aggravated harassment. What can i do legally ? Can I sue him for defamation or pain and suffering? Do i even have a case against him; seeing as this has been going on for over 2 years, and i have saved ALL of the blogs and e-mails ? PLEASE help, i'm at my wits end .
Get a restraining order served against him. If he continues to do these things after being served the order then the police will have something to enforce against him. Each contact will be a misdemeanor. If he doesn't like paying fines or possibly even jail time, then he will leave you alone.
In many jurisdictions, if he has a restraining order against him and he violates it, they will arrest him for Aggravated Stalking, felony. Unless he is saying libelously untrue statements in his blogs you have no recourse against him. Your myspace and facebook are PUBLIC access pages unless you make them private.

Get a restraining order and he should leave you alone. If he doesn't call the police.
well thats another issue, all of my pages are on private . so i dont know how he got any info off of them . he is very mentally unstable when it comes to him and this situation and me .
One solution is to not put any useful info on those websites... or to not use them if they create a problem for you. Whether the page is "private" or not, it is still in the public domain.
on facebook, did you block his name? You have to go to the privacy settings and do that.

Otherwise, he may be getting info about you from one of your other "friends."
You need a Restraining Order against him or a Protective Order; whatever yous state calls it. Go to your Clerk of Court's office and tell them you need a Domestic Protective or Restraining Order and they will show you how to file it. You will not need an attorney.
That's what I intended to do . And I'm going to do that. But to be honest I don't feel any safer with that. All it really is is a piece of paper that says you can come within x amount of feet/ yards of me. I don't know, I just don't feel very safe with that.
History has unfortunately proven you correct. Many an ex has been killed while in possession of a Restraining Order. However look at it this way: If you have a Restraining Order you can have him criminally arrested for being near you, contacting you, or molesting you in any way. Right now you can only have him arrested if he commits a crime against you. Which would you rather have? Being able to arrest him for any attempted communication or proximity or having to wait for him to hurt you to arrest him?

I'm certainly not saying that it is the best thing in the world, but it is as good as you are going to get. Good luck. Stay safe. Buy a gun and learn how to use it. Unless you are subject to the Draconian (and I believe unconstitutional) Gun laws of New York City.
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