Guardianship/emotional abbuse

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New Member
My son has an 8 yr. old daughter from a previous relationship. My grandaughter has had to endure custody battles and going from one parent to the other too many times for one small child to deal with. My son recently married a lady that no one liked, because she lies, and controls everything. She has my son working two jobs that keep him away from home 16 hrs. a day. His new wife has complete and total charge of my granddaughter. The neighbors have called the police and proctive services because they hear this woman screaming and ridicule and profanities at my grandaughter most waking hours and into the night. (2am) The wife does not get along with her own family, and does not associate with them and since they married in Aug. I have not seen my granddaughter or my son per wifes order. He must be daft, because he is allowing all this to go on. How can I get custody, guardianship or something to get my granddaughter out of that home?? My son and his wife can have each other, but I want my grandaughter safe.
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