Other Immigration Law Green card renewal false usc claim


New Member
I am an LPR and have been for about 30 years. I stupidly made a false claim to USC on a job application and the DMV for a state ID. I need to renew my GC and am worried this will come up during the process. I understand I need to hire an attorney but first I would like to know since the renewal application does not ask if a false usc claim has been made will it come up?
I am an LPR and have been for about 30 years. I stupidly made a false claim to USC on a job application and the DMV for a state ID. I need to renew my GC and am worried this will come up during the process. I understand I need to hire an attorney but first I would like to know since the renewal application does not ask if a false usc claim has been made will it come up?

Your GUESS is as good as my GUESS.

I can tell you that there isn't much you know, that the US Government (and its agencies) don't know, too.

Making a false statement to any Texas governmental body (among which the DMV is one) is a felony in the state of Texas.

It can often take months before the state prosecutes crimes.

In some cases, you won't get prosecuted.

All I can tell you is answer each and every question TRUTHFULLY.

Lying will always cause problems.

Telling the truth will never unto and of itself ever become a criminal act.

The truths you reveal can be crimes, but revealing truths in lieu of lies, isn't in and of itself ever a criminal act.

The lesson is and always will be, DON'T EVER BREAK ANY OF THEIR PRECIOUS LAWS.

Breaking their laws, always URINATES them off!!!!!

Prepare for the worst, and if isn't as bad as you're expecting, you come up a winner.