Google Adsense Account Terminated

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New Member
Hi, recently I have had my google adsense account disabled due to what they call 'invalid click activity'. Now I have had my account with them for over 2 years and all of a sudden without any warning my account was disabled. I was owed over £450.00 which they state i will not be receiving. I cannot argue the matter as they cut you off by all means of contact. Are they within their right to act like this and treat me like dirt when i have been loyal to them for over 2 years?
Here's the best question - did you conduct "invalid click activity" or not? My guess is that you probably have since you keep talking about a loyal member. I won't discount the fact that Google can make it sometimes an incredibly difficult experience to deal with, especially customer service. I do think there is a way to contact Google's Adsense program but you had better have a good explanation if you have an idea of what they are referring to. If you think that you can dispute the 450 pounds you believe you are owed in spite of invalid click activity, good luck. If you violated their terms, it's likely that they claim that this is forfeited and the cost for you to dispute this would be not worth the attempt.
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