Goods before Payment!???

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New Member
I recently made a purchase on an online website and selected the option to mail in a check. In a matter of days the merchandise arrived at my home before I had even sent them a check.

Today I received a threatening letter from the CEO of the company stating that if I do not overnight them a cashiers check for the full amount tomorrow they will report me to "local police and a collection agency".

My question is, can I be charged criminally with something? I hadn't planned on completing this purchase until next week as I didn't need the merchandise till the first of next month (it's a gift).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

P.S. The company fully acknowledges that it was their error that they sent the items before receiving payment.
I would reply back that you will pay them, but it will not be until the time you originally planned, as that was the terms of the sale. I would also advise the CEO that his actions have now threatened any future business of yours he might otherwise have received, and that he may also find his company featured on the 6 o'clock news.

Then, send the payment as you were going to do.
There is a process they would have to go through to get a warrant for theft by deception. Certified letters and warnings and such with certain time limits. They don't want a warrant they want their money. Just contact the company, tell them it was their error and when you will be sending the money. As long as you do they will be happy. Problem solved. Good luck.
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