Going Pro Se

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New Member
Hi everyone, I would like to encourage you to follow through on your cases. I fought long and hard and finally won the right to tell the world about a thief. I was up against her attorney and a Judge that was a stickler for doing things perfectly. Was I ever out of my element!

If it would help, you can read my court transcript online at my webpage.

I made a ton of mistakes. The biggest was not asking verbally for my money back. But I have never believed it would be paid to me anyhow. My main goal was winning judgment and that I accomplished.

It took a lot of time, effort, and cash to pursue this. I hope I can help others at least by encouragement and example.


Thank you, that is very kind. Really, it would be a better example for people to know what NOT to do in court! I am in no way a public speaker and my thoughts did get a bit scrambled under pressure, but I did know my story. I did spend a lot of time getting everything organized.

I just want to let folks know that when something is very important to them to give it a try. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I am glad I had help here and at other boards. Plus Nolo books and some advice from an attorney here. Which by the way, 3 attorneys refused the case, saying it wasn't worth the money I would have to pay them.

I had to do this because it was a moral and ethical imperative. The lawyer and the judge both told me that principles were expensive. I believe they are not optional.

Thanks again,

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