Getting harass by a neighbor

Jessica Lagrange

New Member
My fiance and I are being harassed and retelation by our neighbor which he called the cops on us 5 times for hearing our music which every time he does call is when he gets home or is outside for a few minutes and just because he hears it he ends up calling the cops on us and he never is outside and he in his house. We talked to our close neighbors who is right next to us and across the street from us and they say that our music isn't loud and not disturbing them. We have at least 5 to 6 neighbors who are willing to be witness and be summons for this case. The neighbor who is doing this is dangled from our back yard. Is this a case where we can do a law suit for harassment and relations after I did the first call to the cops and is it possible to also sue my neighbor for distress and emotional distress and pain and suffering
Is this a case where we can do a law suit for harassment and relations after I did the first call to the cops and is it possible to also sue my neighbor for distress and emotional distress and pain and suffering

If the neighbor believes you are causing a ruckus, he has the absolute right to call the police to investigate.

I don't see a lawsuit against your neighbor as being successful in your favor, as he is doing nothing illegal by calling the police.

Here are some suggestions regarding noise complaints: