Fraud in Local Authority


New Member
United Kingdom
Hi, is the legal department of a local council duty bound to disclose evidence I have submitted in course of a legal dispute regarding s.20 contract malpractice to the Police who were investigating them in parallel at the same time?

(e.g. are they public officers in a wide sense - being payed by the local taxpayers, and therefore uphold able to a different standard were they to be a private landlord prosecuting a section.20 bill)

Hi, is the legal department of a local council duty bound to disclose evidence I have submitted in course of a legal dispute regarding s.20 contract malpractice to the Police who were investigating them in parallel at the same time?

(e.g. are they public officers in a wide sense - being payed by the local taxpayers, and therefore uphold able to a different standard were they to be a private landlord prosecuting a section.20 bill)


Hello, Bert.
I wish I could help.
Alas, I'm just another dumb Yank, skilled the US and Aussie laws, but clueless about the laws in the UK.
I suggest you seek the insight of one of those great solicitors in your nation.
ah yes, I should have picked up on "llc" - although in your defence, a skilled lawyer is never dumb, and the aussie legal system is based on the uk system.
bert :)
ah yes, I should have picked up on "llc" - although in your defence, a skilled lawyer is never dumb, and the aussie legal system is based on the uk system.
bert :)

I hold the still prestigious Queens Counsel designation, as well as other US based distinctions, including being appointed, and later elected as a district court judge.

A smart lawyer doesn't venture into areas in which he lacks appropriate expertise anymore than a dentist would practice her trade on a horse, or a vetinarian would practice medicine on a human being, or an FBI agent would attempt to make an arrest in the UK because in the US she's considered a sworn, peace officer.

I'd think you would want real advice, not some dummy trying to "con" you because US law has some similarities to UK common law.