Foster care issue with my 8 yr old brother

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Hello and thank you for taking the time out of your day to read about my family situation. Please read!!

I currently live in Pomona,California and I am dealing with the childrens court of Los Angeles county in regards to my younger brother. My story is very long but I will try to keep it short.

My brothers and I were taken out of my mothers care in 2000 and placed into the care of her sister. My mother was deported to Mexico and was never able to come back to fight the system. I have always expressed interest in getting custody of ALL of my younger brothers but of course I was told that I was too young!

Now, I am currently 21 years old and I have managed to get custody of 2 of my brothers but not of the youngest one, which is the 8 year old. My aunt says that he is like her son since she got him when he was about 6 months old!! My brother has been diagnosed with autism and the attorneys really do not want to involve him because it may cause emotional damage to him. I completely understand because I would not want to hurt my brother. I have visitation rights for every other Saturday. I accomplished this by letting the court know that there were issues with him visiting us. My aunt would always seem to have an excuse for me picking him up.

Well, the issue has gotten so complicated and difficult. My mothers parental rights were recently terminated about 2-3 months ago and my maternal aunt is asking for adoption even after I let the judge know I want custody of him because we all wanted the chance and have the hope of one day living together as a family under the same roof.

My brother says he wants to come live with me and he has asked me a couple of times why have I only taken his other 2 brothers and not him? My heart shatters into a million tiny pieces when I hear him ask me that! I don't know what to do, should I get my own attorney? Can I do that even though I am not the parent? PLEASE HELP! The system of children and family services has not been helpful at all! I know this is a touchy family situation but I could REALLY use some advice. THANK YOU SO MUCH AHEAD OF TIME!!!
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