My jurisdiction is: TX, USA and Philippines
I would like to know if a foreign school can operate legally in TX. This foreign school (Omnibus International College Foundation) is located in Tarlac, Philippines. However, Omnibus is operating in Houston, TX through this Olra Foundation. I recently discovered this school is not accredited in the Philippines by CHED due to the fact that the Philippines no longer gives accredidation to 2 years programs for nursing. Addiitonally, the nursing students are doing their clinical portion through a hospital in Katy, TX. Is that legal as well? I read that the clincal portion has to be done in the same vacinity as the educational institution. I firmly believe that the school should not opeate at all in Houston, TX or anywhere in the USA if it is not accredited here.
Kindly comment on this. Thanks.
I would like to know if a foreign school can operate legally in TX. This foreign school (Omnibus International College Foundation) is located in Tarlac, Philippines. However, Omnibus is operating in Houston, TX through this Olra Foundation. I recently discovered this school is not accredited in the Philippines by CHED due to the fact that the Philippines no longer gives accredidation to 2 years programs for nursing. Addiitonally, the nursing students are doing their clinical portion through a hospital in Katy, TX. Is that legal as well? I read that the clincal portion has to be done in the same vacinity as the educational institution. I firmly believe that the school should not opeate at all in Houston, TX or anywhere in the USA if it is not accredited here.
Kindly comment on this. Thanks.